Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki
  • Attack on Titan Anthology

Rene Browning was a teacher appearing in Skies Above, the eighth short story of Attack on Titan Anthology.


Rene had dark blonde hair tied in a messy ponytail. When working she wore a long purple dress. When tinkering, she wore a purple shirt and trousers with brown boots and a black jacket.


Rene appeared to be a calm person who did not panic easily, as seen when she calmed down Lyla Remus when she feared the Military Police found out about their secret invention[1] or when she accepted death after being shot and told Lyla not to care about that.[2]


Lyla panics

Rene calms Lyla down

Along with Lyla Remus, Rene watches a butterfly before going inside the school. They wave goodbye to two pupils before coming across Mr. Smith, one of their colleagues. He leaves and they come to an empty classroom. Lyla comments on how little they know about their colleague and Rene answers it is better none of them know a lot about each other. They take a secret passageway and come in their secret workshop where a flying machine is in construction. Lyla shows her how far they have progressed, which makes Rene enthusiastic. As they check the plans, Rene asks if they could share their invention with the technical department, which Lyla categorically refuses.[3]

Later, at night, they work on their machine and Rene wonders about their safety, saying she is fine within the Walls but admitting her excitement and her wish to see Lyla fly. They are interrupted by Lyla's brother who tells her they can test their machine at his place.[4]

Later on at school, they see two MPs talking with the headmaster. Rene leads Lyla away and calms her down as she panics, fearing they are here for them. Rene then exists the room to find out why the MPs are here and see them at Mr. Smith's door. As they arrest her colleague, Rene intervenes, asking the reason he is taken away but does not get an answer.[5]

Rene dies

Rene falls off the flying machine

The same night, Rene and Lyla move their machine away, without noticing the headmaster saw them. They go to Lyla's brother's barn and Lyla reveals her she put two seats, asking her to come with her. It surprises Rene who wonders if she can do it. Eventually, Rene agrees to come and they share a kiss. But as they put their machine outside, they are spotted by Military Police officers. They get in their engine and fly away with MPs firing at them, shooting Rene in the process. Lyla wants to land but Rene tells her to go over the Wall. Suddenly, a Titan appears before them and Garrison cannons hit their machine. Rene, about to fall off, tells Lyla to keep flying before letting go.[6]


