Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki

"At that one day" ("An jenem Tag") can be shortened to "On that day". I'm convinced that "[...] bis dieser heiße Wind unsere Flügel nimmt" is supposed to be read as "until this hot wind takes our wings (away from us)". I felt like "take" was more fitting than "pick up" in this context. I also switched "bricks" to "toy blocks" for the sake of consistency. I think that's all! Please feel free to correct me. --Minyaa (talk) 20:58, October 29, 2013 (UTC)

In the German language "bis dieser heiße Wind unsere Flügel nimmt", could mean "until this hot wind makes us fly" as well though. In regards to birds that would make more sense, because their ability to fly is very dependent on the wind, and also warm air is going up. Your interpretation is going more into the direction of "we fight until the last man is down". Well, maybe it was actually worded ambigious on purpose, to make both (or even more) interpretations possible. NeoSuperior (talk) 22:58, November 26, 2013 (UTC)
No absolutely not. As someone who grew up with german as his mother language I can assure you that "unsere Flügel nimmt" can NEVER mean flying in any way. That's just not how "nehmen" or it's flectation "nimmt" work. NoNickNeeded (talk) 18:04, November 27, 2013 (UTC)